I know, I know.  I've been bad about posting.  But I'm here now!  Yippee!

Columbus so far is awesome.  We are really liking it!!  The people have been so welcoming and friendly, the city has so much cool stuff going on, and Rob loves OSU.  He's already talking about wanting to stay here...for a long time...like more than four years.  This idea makes my heart jump because for the last 8-ish years, I've been moving every 6 to 36  months.  I don't think I know how to settle in and really become part of a community.  Imagine it - not having to re-establish, make new friends, network, or move...what does a world like that look like??

But Columbus is a pretty special place.  I am a little concerned about winter though since it seems like Fall is just a idea here. It went from 85 degrees during the day to 50.  I'm being a little dramatic, but why is it so cold already??!!

Rob is handling medical school as well as can be expected.  So far, so good.  He's stressed, sometimes panicked, and is constantly behind on his studies, but that seems to be the norm.  We've met a lot of people in the program and are making some new friends.  I laugh a little to myself sometimes because since Rob and I are a bit older than most of the med students and their significant others, we're in a somewhat different stage of life.  My focus for awhile has been on addressing my growing health issues and helping my body try to figure out how to make a baby.  Most of my new friends are in "the wedding phase." They are hoping to marry, are preparing to marry, or are recently married.  I feel like an old geezer when they talk about wedding ideas because I'm thinking, "Oh yes, I can vaguely remember my wedding...it was so long ago!"  :)

Rob is really happy because of all his cool new toys such as a stethoscope and ear-proby thingy (whatever that's called).  He's been asking often if he can practice on me by listening to my heart, looking in my ears, and up my nose.  I don't mind, although he did discover that I have a hole in my septum!  Yep, a whole right through it.  I either: a) Got a bull ring piercing and completely forgot about it, or b) The surgeons that did my nose surgery back in high school (I know what you're thinking!  It wasn't a nose job - it was a deviated septum) poked a hole through the whole darn thing!  I'm just upset knowing that I could have been rocking a totally kick-a** nose ring this whole time.

We do have one issue that has rocked our household.  I announced to Rob on Friday that I was planning to "show cheating" on him.  What's show cheating, you ask?  Well, like most couples, Rob and I have a few shows that we always watch together.  The most important ones are Dexter, The Walking Dead, and Breaking Bad.  Since Rob is so busy these days, he doesn't have time for shows anymore and I REALLY want to get caught up on what's going on!  I decided that I can no longer wait for him.  I'm not sure if a confession works before you've committed the act, but I just wanted it to be out in the open and be freed of any guilt.  "Sweetpea, I'm going to show cheat.  I know you're not going to like it, but I've confessed, so now I'm going to pop in this DVD and find out if Carl survives the shooting."  Words were exchanged, and eventually we decided that I could continue with my hurtful plan as long as Rob can still make comments and try to make me feel bad.  A deal was a made and it's worth it.

Sadly, I don't have any cool new photos to share with you this time around.  I was going to post a pic of Rob with his new toys, but alas, he's never home so I can't take one!  You'll have to settle for me...

P.S.  Several people have asked, so here you go: No we haven't voted yet, but YES we will be voting.  Thanks to that crazy electoral collage for making my vote count so much this year!