Well, friends, it looks like the end is drawing near.  I can't believe it!  It seems like yesterday that I was happily procrastinating because I had PLENTY of time to get things prepped.  

I dreamed of all the projects and to-do items that would be checked of my list.  I'd be enjoying a totally relaxed state with everything in order.  Ah, yes, that was the dream...

35 weeks was the deadline for this utopia.  

I think I decided upon this number because this is when TWO of the couples in our birthing class had to drop out of class because they had their babies at 35/36 weeks.  Rare, yes, but it seemed like were stuck with an early-baby class so I felt that we should be prepared just in case.


35 weeks is here!

And just to give you an idea of where we're at, this is what the nursery currently looks like:
"Yikes!" is right!  

Not that it's a big deal, because Babes will be rooming in with us for a bit, however, it would be nice to be able to find things in order to actually pack a "coming home" bag for the baby.  I know I saw some layettes somewhere...

Thankfully, I have awesome friends who are coming over soon to help me sort out this craziness!!

I do feel like we should focus on the positive and celebrate our accomplishments thus far: 

Birth Class?  Check.
Birth Binder?  Check.  (more on this is below)
Breastfeeding Class?  Check.
Pediatrician?  Check.
Registered at the hospital?  Check.
Car seat?  Check.

And I'm going to save myself from hysteria and NOT share with you the items that have yet been done.  Yikesers!!  

So here's the deal with the Birth Binder.  We decided to use Hypnobirthing as our method for childbirth education.  I'm not going to lie, it is pretty freakin' awesome.  I'm now a believer - we'll see how I feel once this baby starts coming out!  If you're curious about Hypnobirthing, check out our instructor's page.

We have received so much incredible information from our midwives, birthclass, doula (yes, we're using a doula), and breastfeeding class (yes, Rob came with me), that we feel ready and eager to give all these things a try!  Plus, we're beyond excited to meet our little girl!!  

Since we have such a wealth of information, I've assembled it into a useful system which I'm calling "The Birth Binder."  

It contains all the things we've learned in an easy-to-find, organized system.  I appear Type A by admitting to this, but I promise, I'm really okay with going with the flow.  I'm expecting that this binder will be Rob's best friend come Babe's birth day.  Plus, it contains cool pics of baby poop.
We're now on weekly doctor visits, and I've been instructed to seriously started putting together our hospital bag.  I know, I know, it's on the to-do list!!!

The really exciting news this week was that Babes has made her way head down, which was a concern, since up until last week, she was still sitting in there like my womb was a hammock.  

I've been doing Spinning Babies daily and had an acupuncture treatment last week, so maybe one of those helped - or maybe she's just tired of all the "treatments" and decided to move herself.

So there you have it.  That's where we're at.  I have about 3 weeks left before I go on maternity leave (yay!) and we're officially feeling in countdown mode.  
Or should I say, "Hurry, get shiz done!!!" mode.  

I promise that I'll update again soon, and you'll be informed of any exciting things that happen!!

Last but not least, here's a BELLY PIC!  Yippee!!
35 Weeks!!
Much love,

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