Do any of you frequent the public library?  It’s one of my favorite things I do.  And let me let you something, our new Ohio town has the most awesomist public library I’ve seen yet.  They are up-to-date on their technology – touch screens for catalog searching!  There are rows and rows of DVDs and all the popular TV shows you could think of.  They have wireless internet and printing.  When I walk in, I hear angels sing.  It’s a dream come true!  I just got caught up on Dexter, Season 2 of Glee, started the first season of House, and have holds for True Blood and The West Wing... 

This is what life is about my friends, watching good shows – among other more “serious” things of course.  Should I be cleaning or organizing our house instead?  Nah, I’ll watch some show.  I like to consider myself an Investigator.  I’m just investigating TV shows and searching for the best ones.  Hm…maybe this is another e-book I should start writing!  “Amy’s Favorite TV Shows and Why.”  This would make the hours of TV watching much more legitimate.  Although, I’m not sure if anyone would read it considering I do love “Roswell.”  (Don’t judge until you’ve tried it!)

In other news, I am going on another road trip to Virginia.  Unfortunately, I won’t be anywhere near where family and friends are, so no visits this time.  I’m going to a vocal pedagogy certification course outside DC.  I’ve wanted to take this course for awhile and decided that now is my chance.  I’m doing a really crazy thing and taking all three levels back-to-back!  It’s going to be intense, but very rewarding. 

So, I’m heading out and will be gone for 10 days.  It’s a 6-hour roadtrip each way, which I have to do on my own this time.  I have lots of audiobooks to keep me company (thanks, library!).  Rob will be all alone, taking comfort in his anatomy coloring books.  Pobrecito!

So now you know to expect a little blog absence from me.  I’ll write as soon as I return!

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