After three weeks of Spanish school, we are amazed at how much we have learned, but we’re also realizing how much MORE we need to learn in order to communicate in Spanish.  So, we have decided to extend our studies another week, which means we are shortening our time exploring Guatemala.  In order to still fit in the places on our “must see” list, we took a weekend trip to Lake Atitlan.  My, oh my.  Guatemala has some incredible places!  We stayed in the largest lake city, Panajachel and took boat rides across the lake to visit the other towns.  It was definitely worth the effort getting there!

We decided to be adventurous and take a “chicken bus” to Panajachel.  Chicken buses are actually old American school buses and somehow arrived in Guatemala and have been colorfully decorated.  Each bus has several religious sayings and blasts American pop music.  I keep forgetting to take pictures of them!  I promise I'll get one soon and post it.  These buses have a bad rap for being dangerous and overcrowded.  Dangerous because robbery happens quite frequently, and the driving is a bit insane.  We were flying all over the place, coming really close to other cars and guard rails.  It really gets your heart going!  Who needs roller coasters when you can ride a chicken bus??  All-in-all, we arrived there and back safely with no problems.  We don’t think we’ll risk in on longer treks though!

So what was our favorite thing in Panajachel/Lake Atitlan?  Chocolate - in aluminum foil.  Guatemala is known for its chocolate and it is crazy good.  They made bars with chili pepper (Rob's favorite of course) and cloves.  Yep, cloves.  It was like eating Christmas!!  We are inspired and in love.  Once we settle in Columbus, everyone is invited over for a chocolate party, where everything will be served in aluminum foil.  To make it authentic.

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